What Is Blue Tiger Eye, And Is It Natural?

 Raw Blue Tiger Eye Rocks

Blue Tiger's Eye or "the Blue Tiger's Eye crystal" is a beautiful soothing stone formed through a natural process that takes place deep within the Earth. The formation of this gemstone begins with the mineral Crocidolite, a type of asbestos. Over time, this mineral is subject to intense heat and pressure, causing it to change and morph into the stone we know as Blue Tiger's Eye.

This transformation process is known as metamorphism, a vital step in forming many different types of stones. During metamorphism, the minerals that make up the Crocidolite are rearranged and reorganized, creating new structures and properties. In the case of Blue Tiger's Eye, this process causes the Crocidolite to become fibrous and take on a bluish-gray color.

The next step in forming this variety of Tiger's Eye is the process of alteration. The stone is exposed to fluids containing silicon and iron during alteration. These fluids work to replace the asbestos fibers in the Crocidolite with silicon and iron, creating the gemstone's unique chatoyancy, or "cat's eye" effect. The silicon and iron also give Blue Tiger's Eye its characteristic dreamy blue/gray/golden brown color.

The final step in the formation of Tiger's Eye is the process of weathering and erosion. Over time, the gemstone is exposed to the elements, and the outer layers of the stone begin to wear away. This process can take millions of years, giving Tiger's Eye its unique shape and texture.

It's good to note that Blue Tiger's Eye is not a common stone and the quality of Tiger's Eye can vary greatly based on locale, with some of the best quality stones being found in mines in South Africa.

How To Identify Natural Blue Tiger's Eye Vs. Treated Or Dyed Versions

raw unpolished blue tiger's eye stones

Blue Tigers Eye should have a bluish-gray color with a chatoyancy or "cat's eye" effect. If the stone appears too blue or too gray, it may have been treated or dyed. Additionally, natural Tigers Eye stone should have a consistent color and pattern throughout the stone, whereas treated or dyed stones may have uneven coloring and patterns.

You can also identify raw Blue Tigers Eye by examining its texture and shape. It should have a smooth surface with no signs of cracking or chipping. The shape of the stone should also be natural and not too perfect. Treated or dyed stones may have an unnatural shape or a rough or bumpy surface.

Checking the weight of the stone is another way to determine if the stone is real or fake. Natural Tigers Eye is a relatively heavy stone; if it feels light, it may be a fake. Also, Tigers Eye is often cut and polished, while treated or dyed stones may be rough or uncut.

Another way to identify Blue Tigers Eye is to ask where the stone was mined. Natural Blue, Tiger's Eye, is found in only a few places worldwide, such as South Africa, Australia, China, and the USA. If the Blue Tiger's Eye you are examining is from an unlikely location or an unknown source, it may be a fake.

Now, let's talk about pricing. Tigers Eye can be pretty expensive, especially if it is of high quality. If the price of the stone is so low that it seems too good to be true, it probably is. However, that being said, just because a stone is expensive doesn't mean it is natural, either. There are plenty of unscrupulous dealers willing to sell you treated stones for higher than reasonable prices.

Lastly, if you're still unsure if the Blue Tigers Eye you're looking at is natural, the best thing to do is take it to a university or gemologist. Someone in the geology department at the university might be willing and able to examine the stone andgive you a definitive answer.

Identifying Blue Tigers Eye can be tricky, but by examining the color, texture, shape, weight, location, and price of the stone, you'll be able to spot natural Blue Tiger's Eye in no time! And if you're still not sure, don't be afraid to consult with a professional at a university or gemologist. It's always better to be safe than sorry about such a valuable and unique gemstone.

The History And Cultural Significance Of Blue Tiger's Eye Crystal

Blue Tigers Eye, also known as "hawk's eye" or "falcon's eye," is a gemstone with a rich history and cultural significance. This stunning gemstone has been used for thousands of years in jewelry, talismans, and other decorative objects, and it continues to be a popular choice today. 

blue tiger's eye pendantThe history of Blue Tigers Eye can be traced back to ancient civilizations. The ancient Egyptians, for example, believed that Blue Tigers Eye had powerful properties and used it in amulets such as those representing the sun god Ra to protect against evil spirits.

The ancient Romans and Greeks also highly valued the stone and used it to make intricate jewelry and decorative objects.

This soothing stone continued to be popular throughout the Middle Ages and the Renaissance and was often used to make rings, pendants, and other jewelry. In medieval Europe, Blue Tigers Eye was believed to have magical powers and was used to ward off evil and negative energies and bring good luck.

In the modern era, it has maintained its popularity and continues to be used in jewelry and other decorative objects. Blue Tigers eye is particularly popular in the fashion industry, where it is often used to make statement jewelry and other high-end accessories.

Tiger's Eye Can Bring You Good Luck

Beyond its historical and decorative uses, Blue Tigers Eye also holds a deep cultural significance, as it is believed to bring prosperity, success, and good luck in some cultures. It is also thought to have healing properties and is said to help with issues related to the eyes and the throat (Throat Chakra).

Some believe it has spiritual significance and is often used in meditation and spiritual practices to help focus concentration and decision-making, making it a popular choice for those looking to improve their mental clarity and bring emotional balance. 

Blue Tigers Eye is a well-known talisman for protection, especially for travelers. It is believed to protect the wearer from danger and to bring good luck on the journey. This is why many people carry Blue Tigers Eye when traveling.

With its beautiful blue color, unique chatoyancy or "cat's eye" effect, and powerful healing and spiritual properties, Blue Tigers Eye is a gemstone that is truly deserving of its reputation as a precious and valuable gemstone. Blue Tigers Eye is worth considering if you're looking to add a touch of luxury to your jewelry collection and improve your spiritual practice, and is associated with the Throat Chakra.

Blue Chakra Image

The Healing Properties Associated With Natural Blue Tiger's Eye

Blue Tiger Eye are healing crystals believed to have powerful properties and a wide range of associated metaphysical beliefs. Throughout history, Blue Tiger Eye has been used in various cultures for its healing energy and spiritual significance. It continues to be a popular choice for those looking to improve their physical and mental well-being.

One of the most well-known properties of Blue Tiger Eye is its ability to help with issues related to the eyes (Third Eye Chakra) and throat (Throat Chakra). The gemstone is believed to help improve eyesight, reduce eye strain, and relieve sore throats. It is also thought to help with headaches and migraines, making it a popular choice for those who suffer from these conditions.

Blue Tiger Eye is believed to have powerful grounding properties. It is said to help emotional balance, stability, and grounding, making it a popular choice for those looking to feel more connected to the Earth. It is also believed to help with anxiety and stress, making it a popular choice for those looking to improve their mental well-being.

Blue Tigers Eye Spiritual And Metaphysical Properties

In addition to its physical properties, Blue Tiger's Eye is also believed to have powerful spiritual properties. The gemstone is said to help with focus, concentration (Third Eye Chakra), and decision-making, making it a popular choice for those looking to improve their mental clarity. Because it's believed to have a powerful grounding effect, it's also said to help bring balance and stability to the mind and body. 

One of the most popular metaphysical beliefs associated with Blue Tigers Eye is its ability to bring prosperity, success, and good luck. It is believed to help manifest abundance and prosperity in all areas of life, making it a popular choice for those looking to improve their financial well-being.

Also, another popular belief associated with Blue Tigers Eye is its ability to protect the wearer from danger and to bring good luck on the journey. This is why many people carry it with them when they travel, much like an evil eye pendant.

In addition to its healing and spiritual properties, it's also said to have a powerful energy that can be used to enhance psychic abilities, for instance, helping with developing psychic abilities such as clairvoyance, telepathy, and precognition.

It is also believed to help strengthen your own intuition (Third Eye Chakra) and psychic awareness, making it a popular choice for those looking to improve their psychic abilities.

Now, it's worth mentioning that it's important to note that healing properties and metaphysical beliefs associated with Blue Tigers Eye should not replace any medical treatments; always consult with a medical professional before using any gemstone as a treatment. 

Blue Tigers Eye stones are worth considering whether you're looking to improve your physical health, enhance your spiritual practice, or bring good luck and prosperity into your life.

What Does Tiger Eye Represent With Its Physical And Metaphysical Properties?

From a spiritual perspective, Blue Tigers Eye stone is believed to represent the balance between the physical and the spiritual worlds. It is said to help bring balance to mind, body, and spirit and to help one stay grounded in the present moment.

One of the key properties of Blue Tigers Eye is its ability to bring balance to mind and help reduces stress and anxiety. This makes it a helpful stone for those who suffer from mental health issues such as depression or anxiety. It is also said to help with focus and concentration, making it a valuable stone for students and those who need to stay focused on their work.

It is said that Blue Tigers Eye helps with physical issues such as headaches and eye problems and emotional issues such as fear and insecurity. It is also said to help with the immune system and to help with healing after an injury or illness.

In addition to its physical and emotional healing properties, Tiger Eye is also said to have powerful spiritual properties like helping one connect with their intuition (Third Eye Chakra) and to help with spiritual growth and development.

Blue Tigers Eye is also said to be a powerful stone for wealth manifestation. It is said to help with the manifestation of abundance and to help with financial success. It is also said to help with business success and to help with career success. In terms of relationships, it's said to help with communication in relationships, understanding, and trust.

Comparison Of Natural Blue Tiger's Eye To Other Tiger's Eye Varieties

Although this variety of Tiger's Eye is known for its distinctive color and striking "cat's eye" effect, it's not the only variety of Tiger's Eye available. In fact, there are several different types of Tiger's Eye, each with its own unique properties and characteristics. 

Tiger eye tower mini

One of the most common varieties of Tiger Eye is Gold Tigers Eye. This gemstone is known for its golden color and has a "cat's eye" effect similar to Blue Tiger's Eye. Golden Tiger's Eye is believed to have properties similar to Blue Tiger's Eye, such as grounding and protection, and helps give you the ability to speak your personal truth (Throat Chakra).

Another variety of Tiger Eye is Red Tiger's Eye. This gemstone is known for its deep red color and has a "cat's eye" effect similar to Golden Tiger's Eye. Red Tiger's Eye is believed to have powerful grounding properties and is said to help with balance and stability. It is also thought to have an intense energy that can enhance psychic abilities and bring good luck.

A third variety of Tiger Eye is the Brown Tiger's Eye. This gemstone is known for its brown color and similar "cat's eye" effect. Blue Tiger's Eye stands out for its color compared to these Tiger Eye varieties, which sets it apart from the other Tiger's Eye varieties.

These Tiger's Eye varieties can be used for their believed metaphysical beliefs, but Blue Tiger's Eye is particularly special for its unique color.

What Is The Rarest Tiger's Eye Color?

Tiger Eye is a chatoyant stone characterized by its unique ability to reflect light in a way that gives the appearance of a moving tiger's eye. The most common colors of Tiger Eye are yellow and red, but other colors are considered rarer, such as blue and green.

blue tiger's eye sphere

Blue Tiger's Eye

One of the rarest colors of Tiger Eye is the blue variety. Blue Tiger Eye is formed when the mineral crocidolite, which is blue in color, is replaced by silica. This process gives the stone its unique color. Blue Tiger Eye is typically found in South Africa and is considered rare, making it sought after by collectors.

green tiger eye sphere

Green Tiger's Eye

Green Tiger Eye is also considered to be a rare color for the stone. It is formed when iron oxide is present in the mineral during the formation process. Green Tiger Eye is typically found in South Africa and Madagascar and, like Blue Tiger Eye, is considered very rare and sought after by collectors.

black tigers eye sphere

Black Tiger's Eye

In addition to blue and Green Tiger Eye, there are other rare colors of Tiger Eye, such as purple and black. Black Tiger Eye is formed when the mineral crocidolite is replaced by limonite and hematite, giving it a mostly black color.

purple tiger eye sphere

Purple Tiger's Eye

Purple Tiger Eye is formed when iron oxide is present in the mineral during the formation process. Tiger Eye is usually found in areas with high iron and silica, such as volcanic rocks. The mineral is typically formed when these elements come into contact with each other and undergo a process of alteration. These rare colors are sought after by collectors due to their unique color and beauty.


Tips For Purchasing And Caring For Natural Blue Tiger's Eye Specimens

Purchasing natural Blue Tiger's Eye can be tricky. Still, with a bit of knowledge and some helpful tips, you can be sure that you're getting a high-quality specimen that will be a valuable addition to your collection. First and foremost, it's important to purchase Blue Tiger's Eye from a reputable source.

tigers eye polished tumble

Look for a seller who specializes in crystals and minerals and who can provide detailed information about the specimen, including where it was mined and how it was cut and polished. Avoid purchasing Blue Tiger's Eye from unknown sources, as there is a risk of getting a treated or dyed stone.

When examining a Blue Tiger's Eye specimen, pay attention to its color, texture, and shape. Blue Tiger's Eye should have a bluish-gray color with a chatoyancy or "cat's eye" effect. The color should be consistent throughout the stone, and the texture should be smooth.

Weight And Shape Can Be Important Indicators

The shape should be natural and not too perfect. If the specimen appears too blue or gray, has uneven coloring, a rough or bumpy surface, or has an unnatural shape, it may not be natural.

Another important factor to consider when purchasing Blue Tiger's Eye is its weight. Natural Blue, Tiger's Eye, is a relatively heavy stone; if the specimen feels light, it may be a fake. It is often cut and polished, while treated or dyed stones may be rough or uncut.

Lastly, consider the price of the specimen; it can be quite expensive, especially if it is of high quality. If the cost of the specimen seems too good to be true, it probably is. However, just because a specimen is expensive doesn't mean it is natural.

Caring For Your Blue Tiger Eye Specimens

To keep your specimen looking its best, handling it carefully and avoiding exposing it to harsh chemicals or extreme temperatures is important. When cleaning your protective stone, use a soft cloth and mild detergent. Avoid using ultrasonic or steam cleaners, as these can damage the stone's surface.

It's also important to store your specimen properly. Please keep it in a cool, dry place, away from other gemstones or jewelry that may scratch or damage the body of the stone. A soft cloth or velvet pouch is an excellent option to store it.

Purchasing and caring for Blue Tiger's Eye can be tricky, but with a little knowledge and some helpful tips, you can be sure that you're getting a high-quality specimen that will be a valuable addition to your collection. Always purchase from reputable sources, and pay attention to the specimen's color, texture, shape, weight, and price.

When caring for your specimen, handle it with care, avoid exposing it to harsh chemicals or extreme temperatures, use a mild detergent when cleaning and store it properly in a cool and dry place. Following these tips will ensure that your natural Blue Tiger's Eye specimen will be a treasured possession for many years to come.



*The views expressed in this article should not be substituted for medical advice. 

All metaphysical properties claimed in association with healing crystals come from books, writings, folklore, ancient wisdom and beliefs, and other sources. Their power will vary depending upon the spiritual beliefs and mindset of each individual using them. We recommend doing additional research to evaluate your available options before following any tips or advice in this article.